


イタリア人科学者、Rossiが開発したE-Catを使った発電所(1MW)が、今秋、ギリシャのクサンティで稼動するが、それに先立ち、8月第2週に、Defkalion Green Technologies社の研究所(コア科学者12人)が活動を開始する。9月末には、最終製品Hyperion(35KW/h)が一般公開される予定。9年以内に、特許が公開されるので、その間は、この特許によって、同社の工業所有権は保護されるとのこと。

At the first 2 weeks of August a core team of 12 scientists from the Xanthi area will start working, there will be a separate company lab (for R&D i presume) the building for this lab has been found.

At the end of September there will be a public demonstration of the final product (the Hyperion) , the power output of the device would be 35KW/h.

Concerning the safety of the factory Xanthoulis said that they don’t building a nuclear plant (there were concerns from the locals) however they give the matter of safety the required attention mainly as a precaution.

Concerning the skepticism and the negative comments from people (they say that the e-cat is too good to be true) Xanthoulis said that people should look into the matter more closely before they form an opinion, he also said that the device produces no radiation , and that the way it works is a mystery to everybody , and that the device is protected by a patent and that patent will be open in 9 years

LINK TO: http://nextbigfuture.com/2011/07/defkalion-makes-more-rossi-energy.html